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Breaking Down Common Car Accident Injuries

After a car accident, no matter how minor, you may have trouble determining the extent of your injuries. Is the twinge you feel in your back caused by how you sit or is it the result of the accident? Metro Healthcare wants to help connect you with an auto accident injury doctor in New York. We also specialize in helping you find an experienced legal representative. By understanding common car accident injuries, you get a better idea of whether you may have a personal injury case or need expert care.

Internal Bleeding

Depending on the force of the collision, your organs may sustain bruising or bleeding. There’s a good chance you may have internal bleeding if you were involved in an accident at high speeds. If you notice skin discoloration and pain, have an auto accident injury doctor in New Jersey examine you.

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

Rather than physical harm, a motor vehicle accident may result in mental and emotional harm. If you experience anxiety about getting in a car again, cannot sleep, relive the accident repeatedly in your mind or tense up when exposed to certain sights or sounds, you may have post-traumatic stress disorder related to the accident. Rather than a medical professional, you may need a mental health specialist’s help. 

Broken Bones

The force of a car collision may rattle you around inside the vehicle, knocking you into solid objects or causing loose objects to hit you. Either way, you may suffer broken bones. If you do not experience a clean break, you may endure a fracture. The force of the seatbelt securing you to your seat during an accident may break bones. If you suspect you have a broken bone, have a physician look you over immediately, as such injuries may require a long-term recovery, possibly even surgery.

Traumatic Brain Injuries

During an auto collision, your brain may knock against your skull, or your brain may rattle around in your head. Either may lead to a traumatic brain injury. Common symptoms of the injury include dilated pupils, memory problems, difficulty sleeping, irritability, mood swings, nausea, and difficulty speaking. With TBIs, it’s critical to have a medical professional look you over if you suspect anything’s amiss. Because you may not notice some symptoms, ask friends, family, or people you live with to keep a close eye on you to see if they notice anything.

Back and Neck Injuries

Your neck and spine may suffer harm from a car collision’s impact. You may experience a ruptured or herniated disc, fractured or dislocated vertebrae, or damaged muscles. Low-speed accidents may trigger back and neck injuries, so pay close attention to how you feel in the coming days. If you sustained an injury, an orthopedist can help treat you.


Do you remember hitting your head during the accident? If so, you may have a concussion. Much like a traumatic brain injury, you may experience disorientation, trouble recalling events, or nausea if you have an accident. As with a TBI, seek immediate medical treatment if you think you may have a concussion. 


Rather than your head, maybe your neck, shoulders, or back absorbed most of the force of the collision, which may cause whiplash. You can owe any pain you experience to strained ligaments and tendons. While you do not have to worry about permanent harm if you sustain whiplash, it may take several weeks for you to recover fully.

You deserve experienced medical treatment for car accident injuries. For more information, contact a Metro Healthcare representative by filling out and submitting a Contact Us form. We look forward to helping you protect your physical and financial health.

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