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How to Recover From a Back Injury at Work in Brooklyn

An employee is injured on the job every seven seconds, according to the National Safety Council. If you are one of the many who have suffered a back injury at work, you want to recover as quickly as possible. Go over the recovery for different back injuries so that you can get back on your feet soon.

Recovering From a Herniated Disc

Herniated discs are common in the workplace. In fact, there are 5 to 20 instances of herniated discs per 1,000 adults each year. You could suffer a herniated disc due to repetitive movements, improper lifting techniques, or trauma, and it can be quite painful. It’s important to visit the doctor if you’ve suffered a herniated disc so that you can undergo the proper treatment.

Your doctor will likely begin with conservative treatments such as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, corticosteroid injections, chiropractic treatments, and physical therapy.

If you do not respond to conservative treatments, you might need surgery. However, most people heal with conservative treatments, so it’s unlikely you will need surgery.

Recovering From Sprains and Strains

If you stretch or tear the ligaments in your back, you will end up with a lumbar sprain or strain. This can cause pain and stiffness, and you might feel like staying in bed to recover. However, that could cause you to lose muscle strength and could make your back tighten up more.

As part of your treatment, you will need to stay active while protecting the injured body part. Your doctor will likely put you in physical therapy to strengthen your muscles and improve your flexibility.

Chiropractic care and acupuncture can also alleviate your symptoms. In addition, your doctor might prescribe muscle relaxants if you have spasms as part of your injury.

Fortunately, you’re likely to heal from a sprain or strain quickly. Over 90 percent of patients reach full recovery within one month.

Recovering From Fractured Vertebrae

If you fall or experience trauma at work, you could fracture your vertebrae. Fractured vertebrae are generally treated with immobilization. You will wear a brace for up to 12 weeks to ensure the vertebrae heal properly.

After you take the brace off, you might need physical therapy to build up your muscles again. Your physical therapist will also help you avoid reinjuring the area.

If your fracture is severe, you might require surgery. The surgery is usually done on an out-patient basis, and it will take you as long as 12 weeks to recover. Then you will need up to 12 weeks of physical therapy.

Dealing With Workplace Injuries

If you have hurt your back at work, you can file a workers’ compensation claim. The New York state allows you to choose your doctor.

Select a provider who normally handles workers’ compensation claims. All of our doctors are authorized by the NYS Workers Compensation Board to treat injured workers. That way, you can undergo treatment without having to pay out of your pocket, and the Brooklyn, NY medical practice will work directly with the workers’ compensation insurance company on your behalf.

Call (718) 769-2521 today to schedule an appointment with experienced workers’ comp in Brooklyn, NY who can help diagnose and treat your back injury. Workers’ Compensation Insurance is accepted, and same-day appointments may be available, Don’t delay, call now and get on your road to recovery.


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