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Open MRI vs. Closed MRI: What Is the Difference, and Which One Is Best Suited for You?

MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) is a specialized form of radiology. The machine generates images of the inside of the body using extremely strong magnetic fields combined with radio waves and magnetic field gradients. It can produce detailed images of not only bones but also tissues and organs. If you need an MRI, you might be wondering what the procedure will involve and whether an open or closed MRI is right for you.


When Is an MRI Used?

Due to the extent of detailing in an MRI image, a Brooklyn, NY, physician orders one if they suspect a certain type of injury or illness. Some examples include a spinal cord injury, traumatic brain injury, heart abnormality, damaged blood vessels, stroke, cancer, multiple sclerosis, and both inner ear and eye issues.


Types of MRIs

There are two types of MRIs — open and closed. At Metro Healthcare Partners, we offer both. So, depending on your symptoms, as well as any additional testing you’ve had done, one of our doctors would either recommend an open or closed MRI at our Brooklyn location. Having the ability to get either one done at the same place is highly beneficial.


Comparing Open and Closed MRIs

For starters, the machine is very similar for both types. Whether you need a closed or open MRI in NYC, you would lie down on a table inside of a room used solely for X-rays, CT scans, and MRIs. When ready, the table would slowly move to the inside of the machine and then back out again.

For an open MRI, there’s nothing on either side of you, nor is there anything above your head or below your feet. However, a closed MRI encases the body. So, if you have trouble dealing with confined spaces or perhaps suffer from claustrophobia, the open MRI in Brooklyn is the better choice.


With an open MRI, not only would you struggle with less anxiety during the test, but you also would experience several other benefits compared to having a closed MRI. Some examples include:

  • Noise Level — The open MRI process is much quieter.
  • Positioning — Due to the design, the technician can tilt the machine to get a better image for harder-to-detect issues. This also makes it possible for you to sit or stand if needed, as opposed to lying down.
  • Kid-Friendly — Since an open MRI isn’t as restrictive, children handle it a lot better than they typically do a closed MRI.
  • High-Tech Of the two types of MRIs, the open machine is more technologically advanced.
  • Lower Magnetic Field Although an open MRI involves a lower magnetic field strength, it still produces higher-quality images than the closed option. At a lower strength, patients don’t have to worry that metal implants from previous surgeries would affect the outcome.
  • Fewer Side Effects — Patients who have an open MRI in NYC do quite well. However, for those with anxiety or claustrophobia, a neurologist might suggest administering a mild sedative. On rare occasions, patients can experience side effects from the sedative.
  • Cost-Effective One last advantage of an open MRI has to do with the expense of having the test performed. Considering this machine doesn’t require as much maintenance and has a lower upfront cost compared to its counterpart, the open MRI is more cost-effective for you.

If you need to see a qualified physician in Brooklyn, you can always turn to our experts at Metro Homecare Partners. Contact us to schedule an appointment

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