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Concussion After a Car Accident – Symptoms and Treatments

Athletes aren’t the only people who are susceptible to concussions. People also suffer this traumatic head injury when they’re in auto accidents. If you have been in a car accident, it’s important to learn the concussion symptoms and the treatment options.

Symptoms of Concussion

Some injuries appear immediately after a car accident. However, it can take concussion symptoms hours or days to appear. If you’ve been in an accident, look for these symptoms of a concussion. Some might appear right away, while others can materialize later.

First, you might lose consciousness immediately following the accident. Other symptoms that typically occur immediately include headache and pressure in the head. You also might experience dizziness, nausea, and ringing in your ears. Fatigue and a slow response to questions are also common symptoms of a concussion, and your speech might sound slurred. You might even have a hard time remembering details of the accident.

Additional symptoms might appear later. These symptoms include concentration and memory problems, sensitivity to light and noise, and strange tastes and smells. You might have trouble sleeping, as well.

If you have any of these symptoms, it’s critical to seek treatment.

Diagnosing a Concussion

If you think you have a concussion, visit a neurologist. Your doctor will conduct a neurological exam to see if you have a concussion. If your symptoms are severe, your doctor will also order an MRI. The MRI will ensure that the head trauma didn’t cause other injuries, such as bleeding in the brain.

Treating a Concussion

After your concussion is diagnosed, you’ll be ready to begin treatment. Rest is normally the most important aspect of concussion treatment. Both physical and mental rest is needed to help your brain heal. You will need to take time off work or school and avoid screen time. You also shouldn’t watch TV or read while healing from a concussion.

Your symptoms will begin to improve the longer you rest. Then, your doctor will allow you to slowly resume your normal activities. You can begin to have some mental and physical stimulation during this period, but you still need to avoid overdoing it. Too much mental or physical strain could make your symptoms worsen again.

If you have headaches, you will also need to take medication to reduce the pain. However, it’s critical to avoid ibuprofen and aspirin since these medications thin the blood and increase the risk of bleeding. Your doctor will likely have you take an analgesic pain-reliever like acetaminophen (brand: Tylenol ®) to manage your discomfort.

Don’t Deal with a Concussion on Your Own

Proper diagnosis is critical when dealing with a concussion. You need to make sure you don’t have something more serious going on. Also, your doctor needs to evaluate you to determine your treatment plan. Just like with other injuries, concussions vary in degree. If your concussion is severe, you’ll need more time to rest than you would if it was minor. Your doctor will give you a treatment plan just for you. Then, if you follow the plan, you will start to feel better, and eventually, your symptoms will disappear.

If you think you have a concussion, don’t wait, visit the top multi-specialty clinic in Brooklyn today.

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