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Concussions From Car Accidents: What You Need To Know

The CDC documented over 69,000 fatalities related to traumatic brain injuries in 2021. These debilitating injuries occur for many reasons. Concussions may seem less harmful than other forms of TBI, causing lesser damage, yet they are still harmful.

TBIs and concussions from car accidents are quite common. In fact, among young adults aged 15-24, car crashes cause nearly half of TBI-related deaths—47.4%—according to federal statistics. Car crashes still cause many non-fatal brain injuries.

Have you experienced a car accident recently? Do you suspect that you have a concussion? Read this guide from the experts at Metro Healthcare Partners, a multi-specialty healthcare center in Brooklyn, to learn about how car accidents cause concussions and what you can do to get medical help.

How Car Accidents Cause Concussions

Concussions occur when sudden movement or blunt force causes the brain to move inside the skull, resulting in neuron damage. A blow to the head often causes this brain movement, yet indirect impacts elsewhere on the body can also cause concussions.

Car accidents involve your vehicle coming to a sudden stop, typically upon impacting another car or solid object. Even though the vehicle stops, your body continues in motion until it hits something: your dashboard, steering wheel, or windshield, for instance. Whether your head impacts part of your car or you simply experience sudden, intense movement, you can still experience a concussion as your brain bounces within your skull.

Concussions from car accidents often occur alongside another injury: whiplash. Whiplash occurs when the head and neck stretch out of their normal range of motion. Whiplash, as with concussions, is often a byproduct of car accidents.

Symptoms of a Concussion

Concussions can be hard to detect. After a car accident, you may be suffering from multiple injuries, and visible wounds may command more of your attention. Concussion symptoms may not appear immediately, so you may eventually develop symptoms even if a few days or weeks have passed since your accident.

You likely have a concussion if you are sensitive to light and loud noises. Concussions also cause constant headaches and nausea, along with insomnia. A sudden loss of consciousness at inopportune and strange intervals is possible, so it’s best to stay home as much as possible.

Concussions may also cause cognitive side effects. Brain fog, or issues with concentration and focus, may afflict you. Issues with remembering information and perhaps even depression can result from this serious type of brain damage.

Seeking medical care after a concussion is critical.

The Danger of Undiagnosed Concussions

Concussions may take time to display symptoms. Concussions may even occur without you noticing them. Unfortunately, writing off symptoms as a byproduct of post-accident stress and ignoring them is all too common.

Traumatic brain injuries do not heal without proper care. Neglecting a concussion can cause serious and potentially permanent damage to your brain. Researchers from the University of California San Francisco, in two studies examining over 300,000 people, found that concussions increase patients’ risk of developing dementia or Parkinson’s disease later in life.

Concussions influence future medical concerns. In the short term, they cause immense discomfort and compound other health problems. How do you find the right medical help after a car accident, both for concussions and other issues?

How To Find a Doctor After a Car Accident

You may feel shocked and confused in the aftermath of a car accident — this is normal. Such a traumatic ordeal involves severe physical and emotional harm, so it may take time for you to process what has happened. If your injuries are severe, you will probably receive treatment at the scene of the crash or a nearby hospital.

However, even if you leave the scene of your own accord, one thing is for certain: You must know what doctor to see after a car accident. The right doctor can make all the difference, putting you on the road to a permanent recovery. They can also examine your symptoms and determine whether they warrant a fuller diagnosis.

Neurological care provides you with focused attention. Neurologists leverage neurological training and state-of-the-art equipment to ensure the most appropriate treatment regimen. Hospitals and clinics like Metro Healthcare Partners are great places to find these experts.

Other types of medical providers can help, including orthopedists, chiropractors, and physical therapists. A personal injury attorney from a law firm may help you if you need legal representation.

Tips for Recovering From a Concussion

Concussions from car accidents can be difficult to recover from. Receiving a concussion diagnosis may leave you feeling upset or dismayed. However, the right tips can aid you on your journey to feeling healthy again.

Avoid electronic or visual stimuli within the first two to three days after a concussion. Computers, smartphones, and TVs put considerable strain on your brain. You should also refrain from reading any books to let your mind rest while you get your bearings.

If at all possible, go for short walks to stay active. Avoid loud noises and bright lights when indoors, sticking to quiet, dim areas. 

Heal From Concussions With Metro Healthcare Partners

Working with the medical experts at Metro Healthcare Partners can put you on the road to recovery. We specialize in helping patients heal from concussions. Our team includes neurologists, chiropractors, orthopedists, and physical therapists trained in helping car crash victims recover their wellness and sense of strength.

Contact Metro Healthcare Partners at (718) 568-5239 to schedule an appointment or to learn more about the reasons to see a neurologist after a car accident.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Is it safe to get a chiropractic adjustment after a concussion?

Yes, it is safe to seek chiropractic care after concussions from car accidents and other causes.

Is there permanent damage from a concussion?

No, for most patients, there is no permanent damage from a concussion.

Is there a way to heal from a concussion by yourself?

No, there is no way to self-heal from a concussion. You need professional medical care.

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