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Coping with Chronic Pain After an Accident at Work

Workplace injuries are a common occurrence in any industry. Workers’ compensation and workers’ compensation insurance are implemented for this reason. On employer-owned property or in the workplace, physical, repetitive stress (resulting in repetitive stress injury RSI) or occupational illnesses occur.

Work-related accidents can harm one’s health and lead to various other problems. While victims of work-related injuries should seek immediate medical attention and workers’ compensation benefits, many of these injuries have long-term consequences, including chronic pain.

As you may be aware, chronic pain is a persistent condition that requires proper management to provide relief. Even if your workers’ compensation benefits cover medical care, you must take specific steps to manage or cope with this condition. This is why we’ll discuss how to deal with chronic pain caused by a work-related accident today.


What is Chronic Pain?

Chronic pain is defined as pain that persists for more than 12 weeks despite medication or treatment. This condition is both physically and mentally taxing and can impact every aspect of your life. Although most chronic pains are caused by physical injuries or medical conditions, some can occur for no apparent reason.

Chronic pain has been linked to a number of other physical and mental health issues, including:

  • Sleeping problem
  • Overuse of medication
  • Depression
  • Social isolation

Physical Injuries on the Job and Chronic Pain

The most common cause of chronic pain is physical injury. These injuries can occur as a result of tripping, falling, hitting machinery or equipment, and improperly lifting an object.

These injuries cause damage to the following:

  • Muscles
  • Tendons
  • Feet
  • Ankles
  • Wrists and hands
  • Head, face, and neck
  • Shoulders and back

So an injured employee must undergo a physical examination to ascertain the level of damage obtained from a work injury.

Ways to Manage Chronic Pain Resulting from a Work-Related Injury

Finding the best method for chronic pain relief takes time because this health condition is complex and persistent, even with medical treatment. This is why pain management is so important. This is a method of reducing the amount of pain felt.

There are several options for treating chronic pain caused by occupational injuries, not all of which include medication. So, if you’ve been suffering from chronic pain for a while, even from a non-work-related accident, here are some useful solutions to alleviate the symptoms of this debilitating condition.

Hot and Cold Therapy

This is an effective treatment for chronic muscle pain. Hot and cold therapy is a common and safe treatment option that can be performed at home or in a medical office. This treatment alleviates pain in two ways.

Heat promotes healing by relaxing muscles and dilating blood vessels. Simultaneously, cold therapy, which frequently involves applying an ice pack to the skin, reduces blood flow and inflammation, both of which cause pain.

Stress Management

Stress levels can rise as a result of chronic pain. This means that your mental well-being and physical pain are closely related. Anger, depression, stress, and anxiety can all heighten the body’s sensitivity to pain.

Managing stress can help you cope with chronic pain more effectively. Stress can be managed in a variety of ways. Any of the following stress management techniques may provide physical relief:

  • Getting plenty of sleep and rest
  • Eating healthy
  • Engaging in healthy physical activity
  • Listening to calming and uplifting music
  • Engaging in mindful meditation with controlled breathing


Massage is a type of soft-tissue manipulation that is an excellent way to relieve chronic pain caused by muscle tension. When combined with other pain management techniques, such as pain medication and physical therapy, this method of pain relief is extremely beneficial. Massage has the following advantages:

  • Improves relaxation
  • Increases flexibility
  • Increases blood circulation
  • Reduces stiffness and improves posture.


Exercise can be very beneficial in reducing chronic pain, depending on the severity of the workplace injury and the pain level. Physical activity, such as exercise, strengthens muscles, relieves pain, and releases endorphins, which can improve your mood. So, exercise helps relieve pain, and the endorphins make you feel better while blocking pain signals.


Yoga relaxes, strengthens, and keeps the body flexible through stretching. These poses, which concentrate on specific body parts, assist the body in dealing with chronic pain. Yoga is a pain-relieving technique that can be tried at home to help the body relax and loosen tight muscles.

Nonsteroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs)

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are a class of drugs used to treat inflammation and pain. Because inflammation frequently causes pain and discomfort, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are commonly prescribed to alleviate this inflammation and discomfort. These medications are available in the form of capsules, tablets, creams, or gels for the skin.

Physical Therapy

Chronic pain is frequently caused by muscle tension, which is why physical therapy helps to alleviate such tightness. Physical therapy is another effective treatment for chronic pain. This technique promotes movement with less discomfort after an accident or illness by improving the body’s flexibility.

Cut back on Alcohol

Sleeping is difficult with chronic pain, and drinking alcohol makes it worse. Alcohol is known to have a negative impact on sleep quality. As a result, if you suffer from chronic pain, you should limit your alcohol consumption to improve your sleep quality. It is best to avoid smoking because it can aggravate chronic pain caused by circulation issues.

Getting Effective Chronic Pain Relief with Metro Healthcare Partners

If, despite your best efforts, you continue to feel overwhelmed by chronic pain, you should consult a medical practitioner for a permanent solution. While physicians treat chronic pain medically, physiatrists and orthopedists help with the physical effects of the condition.

Metro Healthcare Partners treat chronic pain and improves body mobility. Metro Healthcare Partners specializes in pain management and work-related injuries. We identify and treat chronic pain caused by nerves, muscles, and bones. Our doctors are NYS WCB-authorized providers, experienced in treating on-the-job injuries.

Our team of highly trained orthopedists, chiropractors, physical therapists, and other specialists creates treatment plans that are made just for you and your level of pain. Our pain management doctors accept workers’ compensation insurance, no-fault, PIP (personal injury protection), and most health insurance plans. You don’t have to live with constant pain. Make an appointment today and get the help you need.

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