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How Physical Therapy Can Alleviate Your Lower Back Pain

Embrace the benefits of physical therapy for lower back pain by calling (718) 395-9781 to schedule an appointment.

According to Georgetown University, more than 16 million Americans live with ongoing lower back pain.

Research published by the National Library of Medicine shows that Americans spend up to $90 billion per year on diagnosing and treating low back pain. It also costs the economy losses of up to $20 billion per year, directly and indirectly.

The good news is using physical therapy for back pain has proven highly effective in recent years. More people are now relying on physical therapists to find relief from their lower back pain problems.

In this post, the team at Metro Healthcare Partners, leading providers of physical therapy in Brooklyn, discuss how physical therapy can help your lower back pain.

What Is Lower Back Pain?

Lower back pain or lumbago is a type of pain you’ll feel in the area after your lower rib cage and around the top of your buttocks. This part of your body holds the lumbar spine, which supports the upper part of your body and enables movement.

The pain can manifest as dull, sharp, or throbbing. It can focus on a specific part of your lower back but may also spread from side to side.

Types of Lower Back Pain

Types of Lower Back Pain

You could experience three main types of lower back pain:

Acute Lower Back Pain

You have acute lower back pain if the pain lasts only a few days or weeks (no more than three months) before disappearing.

This type of pain often follows when you lift heavy objects the wrong way or overexert yourself during exercise. Ligament sprains, muscle strains, and disc herniation are other causes of lower back pain.

Chronic Lower Back Pain

Chronic lower back pain lasts three months or longer. Some of the most common causes of chronic lower back pain include degenerative disk disease, spinal stenosis, ankylosing spondylitis, osteoarthritis, spondylolisthesis, and more.

People living with chronic lower back pain often need consistent management over the long term.

Recurrent Lower Back Pain

This type of lower back pain comes and goes. The symptoms don’t stay long enough to qualify as chronic low back pain, but the episodes can appear a few times per year.

How Do Doctors Diagnose Lower Back Pain?

Lower back pain is a symptom of many conditions. Healthcare professionals thoroughly diagnose a patient to ascertain the cause of the pain and to develop an effective treatment plan. The process will include some or all of the following:

Medical History Checks

The doctor will discuss your previous medical history, including any prior injuries you have, surgeries, and chronic conditions. They will also find out the intensity of the lower back pain and how long you’ve experienced it.

Physical Examination

The physical examination will show your doctor your range of motion and muscle strength. It will also show them if you have any neurological issues.

Imaging Tests

Imaging tests like X-rays, MRI, and CT scans give your doctor a clearer picture of the spine and the supporting structures around your lower back.

Physical Therapy for Lower Back Pain: How Can It Help?

Physical Therapy for Lower Back Pain: How Can It Help?

Physical therapy is a non-invasive approach to lower back pain management. It can even help prevent lower back pain.

Healthcare professionals recommend visiting a physical therapist more regularly once you reach the “at risk” age bracket for lower back pain. According to the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, that age is between 30 and 50.

So, how does physical therapy for lower back pain work?

Pain Reduction

Physical therapists use various techniques to reduce pain around your lower back. These include soft tissue mobilization, manual therapy, heat and cold therapy, and more. These approaches can relax muscles, improve blood circulation around the lower back area, and alleviate discomfort.

Muscle Strengthening

Some pain you feel in your lower back is due to muscle weakness. Your physical therapist can design exercises to target the muscles in this part of your body and strengthen them. Stronger muscles mean better spinal support and reduced strain on your lower back.

Range of Motion Improvement

People dealing with lower back pain generally have a lower range of motion. Physical therapists can recommend stretching exercises to improve your flexibility and range of motion. Consistency with these exercises can reduce your risk of injury and improve your overall function.

Improvements in Body Posture

You can draw a straight line from poor posture to lower back pain. However, lower back pain forces people to walk, sit, or stand in poor posture, causing an unending loop of chronic pain.

By embracing physical therapy for lower back pain, the therapist can help you make the necessary adjustments in your daily activities to relieve pain and keep it from returning.

Start Physical Therapy for Lower Back Pain at Metro Healthcare Partners

Are you ready to begin physical therapy for lower back pain? Turn to our trusted team at Metro Healthcare Partners. We have extensive experience in using physical therapy to improve the lives of people living with lower back pain in Brooklyn, NY.

Our doctors accept most insurance plans, including workers’ compensation, no-fault, and PIP (personal injury protection). Same-day appointments may be available.

Call us today at (718) 395-9781 to schedule an appointment.

We can help treat multiple types of back injuries, so give us a call today.

Frequently Asked Questions About Physical Therapy for Lower Back Pain

How Long Does Physical Therapy Take for Lower Back Pain?

The time it takes for physical therapy to fix your back pain depends on the underlying causes and the severity, although most people start seeing a difference after four weeks. 

Is Physical Therapy Better Than Invasive Treatment for Lower Back Pain?

No method of treating back pain is inherently better than the other. However, physical therapy works well for those who’s back pain isn’t the result of serious diseases or conditions.

What Are the Risks of Physical Therapy for Lower Back Pain?

Physical therapy is generally safe if you perform exercises correctly and adhere to the guidance of a qualified physical therapist.

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