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8 Tips On How To Prevent Your Back Pain

Did you know that 55.1% of adults were able to treat their back pain in 2017? Are you currently suffering from back pain and looking for ways to prevent it? This article will pinpoint how to prevent back pain so you can have a pain-free day. Read on to discover these top tips for relief so you don’t have to suffer in pain. 

Risk Factors

Did you know that about 80% of people will experience back pain? Before diving into prevention, it’s important to note the risk factors tied to back pain. It’s more common in adults as they age or don’t exercise.

If you lift with your back instead of your legs that can put added pressure on your back, and having extra body weight can cause pressure on your back as well. 

When you’re at work, it’s vital you don’t exert too much force on your back by lifting improperly or moving heavy objects. If you find yourself sitting all day, try getting up and stretching or taking a quick walk. Inactivity, unfortunately, can lead to back pain. 

Lastly, avoid repetitive movements such as anything that makes you twist or rotate your spine. 

1. Improve Your Posture

How you sit and stand throughout the day can affect how your back feels. Make sure to always have good posture whether you’re sitting or standing. Make sure your head is upright instead of leaning forward or straining. 

Have your feet resting on the floor and avoid crossing your legs. If you need to reach down and grab a box, make sure you’re lifting with your knees and not your back. 

2. Strengthen Your Core Muscles

When you strengthen your core muscles, you’re helping to protect your back. One type of exercise you could do is water therapy. Swimming is gentle on your muscles too, not straining them. 

You can also try low-impact cardiovascular exercises. If you can’t do medium-high impact cardiovascular exercises, this is ideal. You can go for a walk outside which helps your back as well. Try not to sit for more than an hour at a time. 

Consider investing in an exercise ball and trying exercise ball workouts. Sit on the ball for 20-30 minutes and use it for different exercises and stretches that use your core muscles. 

3. Choose a Good Chair

Consider investing in a good chair for better back support. You’ll want one with a swivel base, armrests, and low back support. If you notice you’re still in pain, you can roll a towel or place a small pillow in the small of your back. 

4. Stretch Your Hamstrings

Low back pain can be caused by tight hamstrings. You can do hamstring stretches to decrease the pressure on your back. Consult your doctor before starting hamstring stretches since they’re not all ideal for back pain. 

5. Quit Smoking

Did you know that smoking can increase pressure on your back? It can cause spinal disc degeneration along with other potential problems. If you’re coughing from smoking, that can cause back pain as well. 

6. Modify Repetitive Tasks

When you’re at work and sitting at a desk all day, that can really put pressure on your back. If you work on a computer, make sure that it’s eye level to you. Also, have your keyboard and mouse in a proper position as well and easy to reach. 

Try to use a headset or put your phone on the speaker if you type and talk at the same time. Avoid reaching and bending if it isn’t necessary. Also, limit how often you carry heavy purses or briefcases. 

7. Daily Routines

Throughout the day you could be doing certain movements that add unnecessary stress to your back. 

Using a vacuum

When using a vacuum, have the vacuum in front of your body and use both hands. Avoid putting the vacuum to the side and using one arm. Try using small movements. 

Opening a door

Surprisingly, the way you open a door can affect your back pain. Make sure to stand in front of the door’s handle and pull it perpendicular to your body. Avoid opening the door from the side of your body. 

Gardening or shoveling snow

Make sure to rest one arm on your thigh and slightly bend your knees. This prevents stooping and long arm movements. Those movements could lead to increased back pain. 

8. Do Some Stretches

You can do stretches throughout the day to help ease your back and other muscles. Whether sitting or standing, you can roll your shoulders backward and forward. 

You can also have your arms out to each side while doing shoulder rolls. Try rotating your arms in small circles backward and forward. 

When you’ve finished with shoulder rolls, you can then cross your arms and hold your shoulders, rotate from left to right at your waist. If there’s space in your office, you can lay down your back and pull your knees into your chest. 

Another option is to stretch your leg muscles while at work or while seated. Have your legs out in front of you and flex and point your toes while your legs are extended. 

Top Tips on How to Prevent Back Pain

When you’re looking for top tips on how to prevent back pain, keep this guide in mind and always make sure to keep your appointments and see your doctor. 

Are you ready to say goodbye to back pain and start the healing process? We are a state-of-the-art multispecialty medical clinic in Brooklyn, NY offering a variety of medical services, including orthopedics, neurology, physical therapy, chiropractic, and pain management. Contact us today so we can help you finally have relief from your back pain. 

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