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Is Carpal Tunnel Permanent? Here is Your Detailed Guide

Are you experiencing tingling or numbness in your fingers and hands? Worried you might have carpal tunnel syndrome, but not sure what that means or how you would treat it? We’re here to help!

In this article, we’re answering all of the major questions about carpal tunnel, including “what is it?” and “is carpal tunnel permanent?” So, you can better understand what’s going on and how you can best approach this issue.

What is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

Carpal tunnel syndrome is a syndrome that occurs when pressure is applied on your median nerve, which is the nerve that runs from your forearm through the carpal tunnel to your hand. 

When your median nerve is compressed, you can begin to experience numbness, weakness, and tingling in your hand and arm. Tingling or numbness is usually present in all fingers but your pinky finger and is often said to feel like an electric shock.

And the weakness from carpal tunnel will make it more difficult for you to hold and carry objects for a period of time.

What Causes Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

There is no single cause of carpal tunnel syndrome, but there are a number of risk factors associated with this condition.

Wrist fractures, dislocation, and arthritis can result in applied pressure on the median nerve, and nerve-damaging conditions like diabetes can also predispose to you this issue.

People who have smaller carpal tunnels may be more likely to have carpal tunnel syndrome. It’s also more common in people with inflammatory conditions like rheumatoid arthritis. And people whose work or hobbies require them to flex their wrists repeatedly for a prolonged period of time are also at greater risk for developing it. Carpal tunnel syndrome is a type of repetitive strain injury commonly covered by workers’ compensation

Wondering if you may have this issue? Check out this list of symptoms and causes to learn more.

How Do You Prevent Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

There is no set way to prevent carpal tunnel syndrome, especially given how many predispositions there are to it. The best you can do is minimize the stress on your hands and wrists.

So, be sure to reduce your force and relax your grip as much as you can, and make sure to avoid bending your wrists too much. Additionally, try to stretch and bend your hands and wrists frequently, and practice proper posture. 

By doing these simple things, you can reduce the pressure on your median nerve, which makes you less likely to develop carpal tunnel.

Is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Permanent?

When caught early enough, the carpal syndrome can go away with rest. But if you don’t address the issue soon enough, irreversible nerve and muscle damage can occur.

There are a variety of non-surgical treatments for this issue. Here are a few of the most popular:

  • Yoga
  • Chiropractic care
  • Acupuncture
  • Prescription steroid injections
  • Over-the-counter pain medications

If the carpal tunnel is more serious, you may want to consider surgery. This will cure the condition but may leave you with residual weakness and tingling that is unfortunately permanent.

It’s important to know that in most cases non-surgical treatments can address the issue effectively.

Ready to Treat Your Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

Carpal tunnel syndrome is painful and can often feel rehabilitating. But now that you know the answer to “is carpal tunnel permanent?” you know you don’t have to live with this issue forever! By following the tips in this article, you can address the issue in the fastest and most efficient way possible.

Did we answer all your questions about carpal tunnel? Need more information? Check out our blog for additional medical insights!

Call (718) 769-2521 today to schedule an appointment with the top workers’ doctors in Brooklyn who can help diagnose and treat your carpal tunnel syndrome pain.

We accept major medical, workers’ compensation, medical liens, and no-fault insurance. Same-day appointments in our Brooklyn multi-specialty clinic may be available. Don’t delay, call now and get on your way to recovery.


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