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How to Find the Best Open MRI Near Me

Open MRIs are similar to regular MRIs, but they maximize your comfort. Traditional MRIs have a cylindrical structure that patients go slowly through. This can be discomforting for many, especially if you have claustrophobia, wider shoulders, or excess weight. Even with the discomfort, MRIs are necessary. OECD indicates that in the United States, there are 70.1 annual MRIs per 1,000 people and that there are 22,360 MRI units per million people in the United States.

By contrast, open MRI machines are shaped like donuts and have wide-open sides. The magnets used in the MRI are placed below and above the patient. Some “open” MRIs are similar to traditional ones but with wider, shorter cylinders to increase comfort slightly, but these are not true open MRIs.

Why You Might Want an Open MRI

There are plenty of reasons to want an open MRI machine. People with excess weight or wide shoulders sometimes cannot fit in traditional MRIs or may feel uncomfortable and squished in them. If you are one of these people, an open MRI will give you an experience that is more comfortable physically. That is particularly important if you are dealing with pain from a slip and fall or car accident. After all, you don’t want to hurt yourself worse during the testing.

Those with claustrophobia may want an open MRI to help them remain calm during the test. Remember that you have to remain still during MRIs, and this is near impossible to do while a phobia is triggered. On the other hand, if you are claustrophobic and are tested with a traditional MRI, there are emotional consequences. Those mental consequences only compound the pain.

Anyone may prefer an open MRI. Even if you fit in a traditional MRI and are not claustrophobic, you may just find it easier to stay still for the tests if you can look around.

How to Find the Best Open MRI Near Me

Now that you know what an open MRI is and why you may prefer one, how do you go about finding one? There are a few methods to try, most of which should be familiar to anyone who has ever had any specialized testing done before.

Ask Your Doctor Specialist

Your first stop for an open MRI after auto accidents or work-related injuries would typically be asking your doctor. Just like your doctor can suggest specialists, they can also suggest testing facilities. Let them know that you prefer an open MRI instead of a traditional MRI and see if they have any suggestions.

Check Online

Of course, an online search is yet another option. Just be sure to do your research on the facility you find since not all clinics and hospitals are equal.

What to Look for in the Best Open MRI

Finding an open MRI is one step, but how do you know that it is the “best open MRI near me?” You will want to pay attention to a few specific things.

Magnet Power

Pay attention to the magnet power of the MRI. Until recently, conventional MRIs used much more powerful magnets than open ones since the open design could not accommodate them. According to DuPageMedical Group, open MRIs typically have magnetic field strengths of just 0.2 or 0.3 Tesla, while this figure is between 1 and 3 Tesla on high-field ones. This has changed recently, however. As such, you should always confirm that the open MRI you use has newer, more powerful magnets.


You should also pay attention to the facility itself. Choose somewhere with trained technicians and experts in the field. After all, your test results will not be informative if the open MRI is not conducted properly.

Once you find an open MRI near you, talk to the facility to confirm they meet your needs, so you don’t have to wait any longer for diagnostics and treatment.

If you are looking for the best Open MRI in Brooklyn NY, call (718) 769-2521 today to schedule your appointment! We are conveniently located at 3506 Nostrand Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11229. Most insurance plans are accepted including no-fault and workers’ compensation. Same-day appointments may be available.


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