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What is An Orthopedic Doctor? How Can They Help After An Accident Injury

Orthopedic doctors, also known as orthopedic surgeons, specialize in diagnosing and treating musculoskeletal system conditions and injuries. Orthopedists are doctors trained to care for tendons, nerves, joints, bones, and ligaments.

If you have been injured in an auto accident or a work incident, visiting an orthopedic doctor is likely in order. Get more details about orthopedic doctors and how they can help you with your injury or condition.

Signs That You Need to See an Orthopedic Doctor

If you were injured and now experience musculoskeletal pain, you should immediately see an orthopedic doctor. Unfortunately, orthopedic injuries are common in work and auto accidents and often won’t improve. They can even get worse if you don’t seek treatment quickly.

You should also see a Brooklyn orthopedic doctor if you have difficulty performing daily activities due to joint and bone pain. If going to the grocery store or walking up stairs is too much to bear, it’s time to see an orthopedic doctor.

You should also consider visiting an orthopedic specialist if you have a limited range of motion, balance, or instability problems and the associated pain worsens. If your pain is mild but doesn’t subside within a few weeks, it’s time to get a diagnosis. 

Will You Need Surgery?

There is a myth that a trip to an orthopedic doctor means you will end up in surgery. However, surgery is considered a last resort. Your doctor will try to treat the condition without surgery first, but if you do not respond to treatment, it could be time to consider a surgical solution.

Your treatment will likely include rest and physical therapy for the injured body part.

Things to Consider

You also need to incorporate some lifestyle changes to protect the injured body part and prevent reinjuries. Your doctor can also provide injections or medications to reduce inflammation and pain. For example, you might benefit from a corticosteroid injection that can diminish inflammation and improve your range of motion. Medications are often administered before starting physical therapy. That way, performing the exercises necessary to heal will be easier.

Click here to learn more about orthopedic physical therapy in Brooklyn, NY.

Do Orthopedic Doctors Treat Workers’ Comp and Car Accident Victims?

If you have been injured in a car accident or at work, you might think you can only seek treatment from a primary care provider. However, you can go to the orthopedic doctor and get your needed care.

Make sure you choose a provider that accepts these types of claims, so you don’t have to pay for service when you arrive. In these cases, the provider will bill the insurance agency, and you can get care without worrying about arranging for payment.

Get Help for Orthopedic Injuries

Orthopedic injuries are generally among the most painful. Simply getting out of bed can be difficult when you injure your musculoskeletal system. Instead of suffering, visit an orthopedic doctor for help.

Call (718) 769-2521 today to schedule an appointment with an experienced orthopedic doctor in Brooklyn.

Our orthopedic doctors accept workers’ compensation, medical liens, no-fault insurance, and major medical plans. So don’t delay, call now, and get on your way to recovery.

NEW: Telemedicine Appointments are now available, call (718) 769-2521 today and get an orthopedic consultation in the comfort of your home.

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