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How Long Does Neck Pain Last After a Car Accident?

Neck pain is one of the most common complaints after a car accident. Some people experience pain for a few hours, while others suffer from pain for the rest of their lives.

The length depends on the type of injury you sustained in the auto accident. Let’s go over some common injuries, so you’ll know how long to expect the pain to last.


More than two million Americans get whiplash each year. It’s often due to the force of the accident, causing their heads to move back and forth rapidly. If you have whiplash, you might have started to notice neck pain within 24 hours of the accident, or it could have taken several days to materialize. The pain and other symptoms should be gone within three months. If you still have neck pain, you need to seek treatment.

Also, if your neck pain is accompanied by blurred vision, headaches, shoulder pain, dizziness, fatigue, or difficulty concentrating, go to see an experienced auto accident doctor in Brooklyn immediately.

You might have a traumatic brain injury. Your doctor can evaluate you to ensure that your condition does not require immediate treatment. If you do have a traumatic brain injury, your doctor will customize a treatment plan for you.

Herniated Disc

Herniated discs are also relatively common during car accidents. The trauma of the car crash can cause the spinal discs to herniate, causing a great deal of pain. Along with the pain, you might experience tingling, burning, weakness, and numbness. You can expect to experience pain and other symptoms for a few weeks. At that point, you should feel much better.

If you still have neck pain, you need to see a qualified doctor who accepts no-fault insurance. This could be a sign that you need other treatments, such as surgery, to recovery from a herniated disc. 

Cervical Fracture

A cervical fracture is a severe injury, especially if it affects the nerves in your spine. You will need to immobilize the injury and likely undergo surgery. If it’s a simple fracture, you can expect some discomfort for up to eight weeks. However, if the break is more severe, you could experience pain for months or years.

Unfortunately, if you suffer a spinal cord injury as a result of the cervical fracture, you could suffer from a lifetime of pain, even in parts of your body that no longer have a feeling. This is why fast treatment is so critical.

Your doctor might be able to limit the spinal cord damage by treating the area quickly. If the damage is limited, your symptoms won’t be nearly as severe.

Don’t Suffer From Neck Pain

If you have neck pain following an automobile accident, don’t ignore it. It could be a sign that you have a serious injury. Visit a multi-specialty medical clinic in Brooklyn for an evaluation. Then, if you do have an injury, your doctor can provide the treatment you need to begin down the road to recovery. With the right treatment, you can finally move past the pain and get back to your normal life.

Our medical staff is experienced in treating auto accident-related injuries and includes orthopedicsneurologypain managementphysical therapy, chiropractic care, and more.

Our doctors accept no-fault insurance, workers’ compensation, medical liens, and major medical plans.

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